Credits & Legals


Evangelisches Pfarramt A.B. Fogarasch
Piaţa Republicii, No. 16
RO-505200 Făgăraş
Tel: +40 (0)268-211994
Fax: +40 (0)268-213695


Pictures: Alexandru Dan, Eva Schwiontek, Johann Kessler, Constanze Thielen et al.
Translation: Veronica Sicoe (EN), Oana Tarziu (RO); revision: Constanze Thielen.
Copyright for pictures and content by Evangelisches Pfarramt Fogarasch. All rights reserved. Downloads and printings are only allowed for private purpose.

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The content of external links does not necessarily represent the views of Evangelisches Pfarramt Fogarasch. The responsibility and liability for the content lie exclusivly by those operators.